
Learn to apply economic theories to finance, 银行, 制造业, 教育, 保险, energy 和 many other areas.

We offer a comprehensive program for students interested in majoring in economics. Courses provide you with a basic underst和ing of economic structures 和 processes, including economic growth 和 productivity, 失业 和 inflation, taxation 和 public expenditure, 供求关系, international trade 和 finance, as well as labor-management cooperation 和 competition.

Other areas of study may include dem和 theory 和 estimation, production 和 cost theory, analysis of market structure, 反托拉斯政策, government regulation of business, 资本预算, 通货膨胀理论, 失业, determination of interest rates 和 international economics.


Take the next step toward completing your Bachelor of Arts in 经济学 学位 at Lenoir-Rhyne University.


Take the next step toward completing your Bachelor of Arts in 经济学 学位 at Lenoir-Rhyne University.



学生 interested in economics have two options for majors at Lenoir-Rhyne:

  • 经济学 - our program will provide you with an underst和ing of economic structures 和 processes 和 you will study human behavior—how individuals, businesses 和 governments make decisions 和 decide to allocate resources.
  • International 经济学 ——全球网赌十大网站的 international economics major is a 51-hour interdisciplinary program that combines economics, finance 和 international politics with a strong background in a chosen foreign language program.

Qualified economics students interested in continuing their 教育 through graduate study can easily matriculate into several of Lenoir-Rhyne’s graduate 项目, 比如 Master of Business Administration 或者是 Master of Public 健康 项目. 

Through LR’s innovative 通往梦想的桥梁 和 校友的优势 项目, if you complete your undergraduate 学位 at Lenoir-Rhyne, you are able to complete your graduate 学位 in shorter time 和 at significantly less expense.


My professors have helped me grow as a student by introducing me to opportunities. They’ve opened doors for me to meet other people 和 businesses that may lead to possible careers after graduation.

拉佩纳 '21, Accounting 和 经济学


学生 graduating with an economics 学位 have a strong comprehension of the national economy 和 are able to think critically about the challenges faced throughout the business world.

You will also possess communication, 数据操作, 和 computer technology skills, preparing you for a variety of careers.

经济学 majors compete well against most business majors for employment opportunities. Corporations value the broad analytical training of our graduates, 和 recognize that your 教育al foundation will enhance their performance in managerial decision making.

Opportunities for economists exist across local, 状态, national 和 international arenas, 私下里, non-profit 和 public sectors.

经济学 integrates the liberal arts 和 applied professional preparation very effectively, preparing graduates for a wide array of opportunities 和 for success in graduate 和/or additional professional 教育 like law or administration.

看来实习 & 职业服务

Learning Outside the Classroom

Future employers 和 post-graduate schools will look at your entire undergraduate work both inside 和 outside the classroom. Take full advantage of all opportunities that are available to you at LR, 包括研究, 出国留学, 实习, student clubs 和 organizations.

  • 实习

    Economic majors have the opportunity to gain first-h和 experience through 实习 with local 和 regional businesses 和 corporations, working directly with seasoned leaders 和 professionals in the field. 

  • Mauney经济学 & 商业俱乐部

    Mauney经济学 和 商业俱乐部 students can attend the annual conference of the Eastern Economic Association (EEA).

    Founded over 40 years ago, the EEA is one of the largest associations of academic 和 professional economists 和 hosts one of the few conferences that invite undergraduates to attend as well as present in student sessions.

    在会议上, students have the opportunity to select from more than 150 sessions offered, featuring research work 和 information about various economic topics. 学生 meet 和 interact with professional economists from throughout the country 和 the world 和 learn more about exciting career opportunities.

  • Federal Reserve’s College Fed Challenge Team

    Lenoir-Rhyne competes in the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (5th District, Charlotte division) College Fed Challenge, along with other North Carolina schools such as Elon, 杜克大学, 和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校. The District winner goes on to a national competition.

    学生 must demonstrate their knowledge of the Federal Reserve 和 its policies as well as macroeconomic conditions in a presentation 和 through questions from judges. This activity provides you with opportunities to compete against other major universities on issues of economic policy 和 practice.


Lenoir-Rhyne is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges 和 Schools Commission on Colleges.

B.A. in 经济学 is not accredited by the 认证 Council for Business Schools 和 Programs (ACBSP) due to the nature of the program.


Courses in 经济学 are intended to provide the student with a basic underst和ing of economic structures 和 processes including economic growth 和 productivity, 失业 和 inflation, taxation 和 public expenditure, 供求关系, international trade 和 finance, labor-management cooperation 和 competition, 等. The 经济学 major earns a B.A. 学位.


学生 majoring in 经济学 和 judged qualified by the 经济学 faculty may, 应邀, elect to pursue honors work in 经济学. To graduate ''With 荣誉 in 经济学,'' a student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, a minimum major GPA of 3.2、完成  和 . An oral presentation of the honors paper or a synopsis of the honors project is required. Normally the student in the honors program will have completed ECO 121, , ,  和 .

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