Community 健康, B.S.


Community health, often referred to as public health, 应用科学是保护和促进个人健康的科学吗, 家庭, 以及使用基于证据的健康促进和疾病预防项目和政策的人群. The field of community health is charged with assessing, 理解, 并对影响社区健康的行为和生态因素做出反应.

Community health challenges you to consider the biological, 环境, 和 social determinants of health. Within the interdisciplinary curriculum, 您将通过个人健康课程探索健康行为和政策, 全球健康, 营养, 心理学, 生物学, 沟通, research methods, 和 health promotion programming. 专业涉及当代健康问题和影响这些问题的因素, including advocacy 和 equity.

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Take the next step toward completing your B.S. in Community 健康 degree at Lenoir-Rhyne University.




社区卫生专业本质上是跨学科的:它涵盖了一般的生物学, 历史, 经济和社会背景下的健康,以及重要的具体健康问题,如营养, women's health, 老化, disease prevention 和 substance abuse. 

You will be challenged to consider the biological, 环境, 对健康的社会和文化决定因素进行调查, 研究和制定预防战略,以应对社区健康风险.


课程 includes classes in 全球健康 和 ethics, health promotion program 和 management, medical terminology, first aid emergency care 和 teaching. 你也有机会选择关注社会和人类行为的选修课.

Courses cover the general biological, 历史, economic 和 sociological contexts of health, as well as specific health issues. 课程 includes classes in 全球健康 和 ethics, health promotion program 和 management, medical terminology, first aid emergency care 和 teaching. 你也有机会选择关注社会和人类行为的选修课.

Carolina Allen

Lenoir-Rhyne通过允许我参加各种主题的课程来支持我在社区卫生方面的教育, 这能让我更好地理解社区卫生是一个整体吗.

Carolina Allen '23, Community 健康

Make a Difference in the Lives of Others

  • Influence 健康ier Communities

    鉴于当前的全球卫生危机,社区卫生比以往任何时候都更加重要. 作为一名社区卫生专业人员,你将帮助维持人们的健康. 你们将教育你们的社区阻止COVID-19等病毒的传播, 和 teach others to prevent diseases such as diabetes, cancer 和 heart disease. You will help to better the quality of life for many.

    社区卫生专业人员也影响政府的政策,并努力确保所有人都有平等的机会参加帮助他们延长寿命的项目, healthier lives.

  • 研究生 School & Career Opportunities

    社区卫生专业的毕业生可以继续研究生学习, particularly in public health, 医疗保健, health education 和 wellness, or allied health.

    或者你可以直接进入公共和私营部门的专业领域,成为一名外联专家, program coordinator/manager/assistant, public health educator, community health advocate, violence prevention specialist, worksite wellness specialist, health equity/social justice advocate, health education & 沟通专家,健康项目经理或健康管理员. 

  • Outside the Classroom

    你将有很多机会将课堂理论与实际的现实世界经验结合起来. 毕业前需要进行广泛的实习,使学生能够与该领域的专业人士一起工作并向他们学习. 学生获得宝贵的经验,与社区卫生机构工作,包括(但不限于)更大的山核桃合作基督教事工, Caldwell County 健康 Department, Catawba Valley Medical Center, AIDS 领导 Foothills-Area Alliance (ALFA) 和 LR’s Solmaz Institute.

  • Phi Epsilon Kappa Honorary Society

    作为一名成绩优异的学生,你可以申请成为 Phi Epsilon Kappa (PEK)荣誉社团,并参与校内及校外的服务学习.

Dual Enrollment & Tuition Discounts

If you qualify 和 want to complete a master's degree in public health, you have an excellent opportunity at LR. 通过全球网赌十大网站Accelerated Master's Degrees 和 校友 Advantage 项目, 合格的学生可以在大四开始研究生学习, 提供更快完成两个学位的机会. 此外,LR校友的研究生学费可以打折. Refer to each program for additional details.

主要 Requirements

Community health, often referred to as public health, 应用科学是保护和促进个人健康的科学吗, 家庭, 以及使用基于证据的健康促进和疾病预防项目和政策的人群. The field of community health is charged with assessing, 理解, 并对影响社区健康的行为和生态因素做出反应.

Community health challenges you to consider the biological, 环境, 和 social determinants of health. Within the interdisciplinary curriculum, 您将通过个人健康课程探索健康行为和政策, 全球健康, 营养, 心理学, 生物学, 沟通, research methods, 和 health promotion programming. 专业涉及当代健康问题和影响这些问题的因素, including advocacy 和 equity.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件

A student speaks with a member of her community.



25岁的梅拉尼·莫拉(梅勒妮莫拉)计划去韩国留学一年多了. 现在是美国.S. 国务院支持她通过本杰明·A. Gilman International 奖学金.
