

改变你的未来. 让别人的生活有所不同.

The CACREP-accredited Master of Arts in Counseling program offers you a rich and diverse learning experience that prepares you for opportunities in a wide array of professional counseling settings.

勒努瓦-雷恩大学提供两个经cacrep认证的61学时课程 临床心理健康咨询 or 学校心理咨询. 学生 in the degree program have the opportunity to take additional coursework from the two programs of study to meet the 教育 requirements for state licensure in North Carolina as a Clinical Mental 健康 Counselor or School Counselor. Applicants should note that this is not considered a dual-degree program and does not take the place of the 教育 and clinical experiences of a full program of study, 但是提供了一些额外的教育机会. 

Lenoir-Rhyne在这两个项目中保持着长期的临床社区合作伙伴关系, 为您提供充满活力的实习和实习经历. 全球网赌十大网站辅导教师 为寻求成为临床心理健康或学校辅导员的学生带来多年的实际经验.








你可以按照自己的节奏上课,作为全日制或非全日制学生. 课程在全球网赌十大网站的山胡桃和阿什维尔校区提供. 有些课程也可能以在线或混合形式提供.

你可以在任何学期——夏季、秋季或春季学期——开始课程学习. 虽然学生可以在夏季学期进入该课程, 课程选择将受到限制,因为直到秋季学期才提供先决条件的入门课程.

专业的经验 & 个人成长

成为一名专业咨询师的旅程是值得的, 为个人成长和职业发展提供成熟的机会. Most graduates of counseling programs find that the training process transforms their own lives even as they are learning to be change agents in the lives of others.


你将被介绍到新的理论框架和理解人类行为的方法. 你将面临挑战,检查你的偏见,并反思你的生活经历如何影响你与客户的工作. 当你练习新技能和探索新视角时,你会被要求走出你的舒适区. 在整个项目中,你将在发展个人咨询风格的过程中得到支持.

在咨询行业,硕士学位是独立实践的终极学位. 全球网赌十大网站的课程为学生在临床技能培训方面奠定了坚实的基础. 勒努瓦-莱恩提供了几种技能类课程, 包括先进的技术, 实习和两个学期的实习.


My internship experience at local non-profits provided valuable hands-on experience and helped me grow both personally and professionally.

蒂娜·布鲁克斯,LCMHC, BC-TMH


  • 项目使命、目的和多样性声明


    The 教师 of the Counseling Degree 程序 is dedicated to educating and training counseling professionals to function in culturally diverse settings. 全球网赌十大网站认识到有必要解决经济问题, 教育, 以及在全球网赌十大网站的社区中普遍存在的社会不平等.

    The program ac知识s a commitment both to the students who will pursue preparation as professional counselors and to the larger public served by our graduates, 全球网赌十大网站对他负有共同的责任. It is due to this commitment that the 教师 members hold high standards in the process of training professional counselors in school and community settings.

    该计划旨在提供一个具有挑战性的, 然而,支持性的环境,促进专业方向, 咨询身份的发展, 道德实践, 探究承诺, 和自我意识. 结果是, 全球网赌十大网站希望全球网赌十大网站的学生培养为他人服务的承诺, 以及在咨询行业追求卓越.


    The Master of Arts degree in counseling is designed to prepare individuals for positions as professional counselors in agencies and/or school settings. 咨询项目主要侧重于培养临床道德技能.

    在获得咨询硕士学位后, students will meet course work requirements for eligibility to take the examination to become a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and apply to become a Licensed Professional Clinical Mental 健康 Counselor Associate (LCMHC-A) in the state of North Carolina and a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (LPC-A) in the state of South Carolina.

    学生 satisfactorily completing the 学校心理咨询 program requirements and receiving a passing score on the PRAXIS specialty examination will be eligible for licensure as a school counselor in North Carolina.


    勒努瓦-雷恩大学的咨询学院致力于在课程的各个领域实现多样性. The goal of the Counseling program is to recruit students from diverse backgrounds and those from traditionally under-represented groups in the counseling profession. 像这样, 在政策和实践上, 咨询学院想要招募的人, 承认, 并保持多元化的学生群体. The Counseling 教师 is dedicated to educating and training counseling professionals to function in culturally diverse settings and embody the Multicultural Counseling Competencies of the American Counseling Association.

    该课程旨在挑战学生反思个人偏见的方式, 特权, 文化影响着治疗关系和过程. 教师们已经承诺整合与多元文化咨询(意识)相关的问题, 知识, 和技能)以及课程的多样性, 教学大纲会定期审查,以确保履行这一承诺.

    作为一名教师,全球网赌十大网站致力于一个包容和反种族主义的学习环境. The coursework in this program includes materials and 讨论ions that will challenge personal ideas on oppressive and unjust forces that exist in our communities. 作为一个反种族主义团体, 全球网赌十大网站将努力查明, 讨论, 挑战种族问题, color, 种族, 以及它们对学生的影响, 教师, 工作人员.

    全球网赌十大网站希望所有的学生都带着尊重的态度参与这些困难的、有时令人不舒服的对话, 勇气, 和同情. 当全球网赌十大网站有不同的信仰时,全球网赌十大网站应该以善意和尊重的态度对待彼此, 值, 或者在课堂讨论中产生经验, 组工作, 或者学习材料. 当全球网赌十大网站面对困难和不舒服的话题时, 在咨询项目中,不尊重他人的背景和经历是不能容忍的.

  • 项目目标


    • 学生将发展作为辅导员的强烈职业认同. 学生将获得与法律和道德原则相关的基础知识, 代码, 以及决策过程.
    • 学生将获得对自己文化身份的认识, 包括特权, 压迫, 和偏见, 以及它如何影响咨询关系. 学生将获得多元文化理论和咨询实践的知识,以便成为具有文化能力的咨询师.
    • 学生 will learn various theories of human development in order to integrate a developmentally and culturally appropriate approach to working with a wide range of diverse clients.
    • 学生将了解各种职业咨询理论,以便概念化整个生命周期的职业发展, 包括职业问题如何影响心理健康问题. 学生将整合与文化和道德能力相关的知识,以提供有效的职业咨询策略.
    • 学生 will learn the foundational elements of counseling theories and techniques that are needed to foster movement towards clients' goals through effective use of helping skills, 理论概念化, 以及相关的干预措施.
    • 学生将获得有效促进团体咨询所需的基础知识和技能.
    • 学生将学习在整个咨询关系中使用评估和测试. 学生 will gain an understanding of the assessment process in order to integrate assessment results into client conceptualization and treatment.
    • 学生 will gain 知识 related to the principles of ethical and effective research methods for counselors; in particular, an understanding of how to use counseling research to inform counseling practice and direct future research for the field at large.


    • 学生将全面了解临床心理健康咨询实践, 其中包括宣传, 预防, 以及对各种心理健康问题的治疗.


    • 学生将了解学校辅导员的各种角色和职责, 包括领导, 宣传, 而咨询对于制定和实施一个全面的学校咨询计划是必要的.

咨询师考试 & 许可

We are committed to developing professional counselors to work effectively and ethically with diverse clients in a variety of settings, 包括pre -12学校, 大专院校, 社区精神卫生中心, 医院, 还有私人诊所和社会服务机构.

在获得咨询硕士学位后, students meet coursework requirements for eligibility to take the examination to become a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Clinical Mental 健康 Counselor (LCMHC) in North Carolina and South Carolina. 学生 satisfactorily completing the 学校心理咨询 program requirements and receiving a passing score on the PRAXIS specialty examination are eligible for licensure as a school counselor in North Carolina.



  • 咨询师的工作环境可能包括:社区机构, 医院, 私人诊所, 住院治疗中心, 政府机构, VA, 以及基于信仰的组织.
  • 接受过与个人、家庭、夫妻和团体合作的培训.
  • 接受评估培训, 诊断, 治疗精神障碍以及帮助客户在正常生活中挣扎, 发展问题, 以及生活的转变. 帮助客户实现个人目标和整体健康.


  • 学校辅导员在小学、初中或高中工作. School counselors develop and implement comprehensive school counseling programs (through the ASCA National Model) to support students in their academic, 社会/情感, 职业生涯发展. 学校辅导员身兼数职,是学生之间的联络人, 老师, 管理员, 和父母.

程序 & 学生的结果

从2022年夏季到2023年春季, 93% of alumni respondents were employed as a licensed counselor within six months of graduation and more than 95% were licensed as either a school counselor or clinical mental health counselor.


25岁的梅拉尼·莫拉(梅勒妮莫拉)计划去韩国留学一年多了. 现在是美国.S. 国务院支持她通过本杰明·A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金.


