Psychology, B.A.

心理学专业为不同的职业道路提供了准备, including those that require graduate study.


许多学生选择在各种环境下与社区合作伙伴一起实习. As a graduate, you may pursue careers in research, mental health, ministry, rehabilitation, advocacy, social work, human resources, public health, occupational/physical therapy, among other degree specializations.

In alignment with the university mission, 教师关注“全人发展”,并在学生选择职业和职业道路时提供一对一的指导.

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Learning Outside the Classroom


  • Student Activities & Organizations

    你将面临独立和合作的挑战 research opportunities that explore a range of psychological topics.

    In addition, 你将有机会参加美国心理学会的年会. 有成千上万的心理学家和心理健康专家参加, the convention lets you attend seminars, 讲习班和讨论集中于整个领域的重要问题和进展.

    合格的心理学学生被邀请成为会员 LRU chapter of Psi Chi他是国际心理学荣誉学会的成员. Psi Chi成立于1929年,目的是“鼓励”, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology.它是美国最大的荣誉学会之一,拥有1100多个分会. 

  • Internships & Careers


    心理学学位为你的研究生学习和/或进入各种人类服务的机会做好准备. As a liberal arts major, 心理学提供了一个学习环境,为您在医疗保健领域的各种专业做好准备, human services, not-for-profit agencies and business.

    After the completion of a graduate education, 心理学专业的学生在临床心理学领域找到工作, counseling, research, human services, policy and advocacy and education.

    学校鼓励学生利用学校提供的职业咨询和就业安置项目. 对于希望从事研究工作的学生,也可以提供咨询, mental health, ministry, rehabilitation, personnel work and agency counseling.

    View Internships & Careers

Major Requirements

心理学专业为不同的职业道路提供了准备, including those that require graduate study. 学生完成心理学广泛分支学科的课程,并学习一系列研究方法和统计学课程,使他们能够进行自己的研究. 许多人还选择在各种环境下与社区合作伙伴一起实习. Graduates may pursue careers in research, mental health, ministry, rehabilitation, advocacy, social work, human resources, public health, occupational/physical therapy and more. In alignment with the university mission, 教师关注“全人发展”,并在学生选择职业和职业道路时提供一对一的指导. The psychology major earns a B.A. degree.


主修心理学的学生可以选择攻读心理学方面的荣誉课程. 要以“心理学荣誉”毕业,学生的累积平均绩点必须达到3分.0, a minimum major GPA of 3.3 and complete  and , including defense of a thesis, 荣誉课程可以算在主修所需的44学分中.

Ataysha Fininen

我的学术课程最令人难忘的部分是那些了不起的教授,他们总是愿意在我身边,尽他们所能帮助我, even after I completed the class.

Ataysha Fininen '22, Psychology

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三个年长的学生在Joe's Coffee聊天


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Melanie Mora

25岁的梅拉尼·莫拉(Melanie Mora)计划去韩国留学一年多了. Now the U.S. 国务院支持她通过本杰明·A. Gilman International Scholarship.

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