学生申诉政策 & 程序

Lenoir-Rhyne University takes seriously the concerns and grievances of its students. LRU will provide a prompt response to all written complaints, including those complaints alleging discrimination or 骚扰 based on race, 年龄, 宗教, 身体或情感残疾, or sex (which includes gender discrimination, 性取向, 性骚扰及性暴力). LRU will work to resolve student grievances as quickly as possible; however, the time period for resolution will depend largely on the nature of the grievance and the response required.

It is the goal of LRU that written grievances will be resolved within a period not to exceed 60 days; however, 解决不满的时间将在很大程度上取决于所涉及的事实和情况,并可在必要和适当的情况下延长,以达成解决方案. 

LRU defines a “Grievance” as any claim raised by a student (“Complainant”) alleging violations of LRU’s policies or procedures, 包括但不限于不当行为, 不合适的, 任意的, 歧视性的, harassing or violent conduct by a faculty member, 工作人员, student or any other individual present on campus (“Respondent”).

LRU’s Grievance Policy is not intended to replace those policies and procedures pertaining to grade appeals or academic integrity violations. For more information on academic integrity policies and procedures, please refer to 熊猫幼崽 或者是 大学目录. All such matters will be handled in accordance with those policies and procedures.


  1. A Complainant having what s/he believes to be a Grievance against a Respondent, 应该, 只要可能和合理, attempt to discuss the problem with the Respondent and reach an informal resolution. This informal process is desirable, but not mandatory. (注意: If the Grievance pertains to perceived discrimination, 骚扰, 或者是攻击, the Complainant 应该 immediately proceed to Step 2.)
  2. If the Complainant is dissatisfied with the informal resolution, is unable to reach an informal resolution or chooses not to eng年龄 in the informal resolution process, the Complainant 应该 put her/his Grievance in writing on a Grievance Form. Grievance Forms may be obtained electronically from the 全球网赌十大网站 webp年龄 or in hard copy at the Office of 全球网赌十大网站 in Cromer Center. 一旦完成, 投诉表格应在投诉事件发生后不迟于30天内以电子或纸质形式提交给全球网赌十大网站办公室. LRU reserves the right to dismiss Grievances that are not submitted within this time period, unless extenuating circumstances exist that make submission within the 30-day time period unrealistic.
  3. The Office of 全球网赌十大网站 will review the Grievance Form to determine if its contents rise to the level of a Grievance as defined above. This process will generally take between 3-5 business days. If additional information is needed to clarify the information contained within the Grievance Form, the Office of 全球网赌十大网站 will contact the Complainant to obtain additional information. The Complainant is expected to respond to any such request by the Office of 全球网赌十大网站 within 2 business days.

    • If the contents of the Grievance Form do not rise to the level of a Grievance as defined above, 投诉表格将被转发给与投诉最密切相关的大学系主任/系主任(学术或非学术)或其指定人员. This individual will work to informally resolve issues raised by the Complainant in the Grievance Form. Because this type of complaint does not rise to the level of a Grievance as defined by the Grievance Policy, there is no right of appeal and the resolution reached at this st年龄 is final. 
    • If the contents of the Grievance Form do rise to the level of a Grievance as defined above, the Grievance Form will be forwarded to the appropriate “Grievance Officer” 或者他或她的指定人.

    申诉官员通常是每个学术部门的学校主席或每个行政部门的行政主任, 或者他或她的指定人. Under no circumstances will the Grievance Officer be the individual to whom the Grievance relates. In those instances, another Grievance Officer will be appointed by the Office of Student Life.

    注意: If the Complainant has any questions or concerns regarding the Grievance Officer appointed in connection with his or her Grievance, he or she 应该 contact the Office of 全球网赌十大网站 to discuss the issue in greater detail.

  4. After receiving the Grievance Form from the Office of 全球网赌十大网站, the Grievance Officer will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation as warranted by the circumstances to resolve any factual disputes. Confidentiality will be respected to the fullest extent possible in connection with this investigation, with individuals being informed or notified of the Grievance only on a “need to know” basis. 与这次调查有关, 申诉专员可以决定,作为其调查的一部分,非正式听证会是必要的,以解决任何未决的事实问题.

    If a hearing is held by the Grievance Officer:


    1. 被投诉人和投诉人都可以从全球网赌十大网站办公室保存的辩护律师名单中选择一名“辩护律师”. Advocates are intended to assist the Respondent and Complainant with understanding the Grievance Policy and 程序. 另外, 辩护人可能会出席听证会, but may not testify or otherwise participate in the hearing. 另外, both parties may have one other person at the hearing, who may observe only. This participation may be limited to faculty, 工作人员, 以及大学社区的学生成员,他们的名字至少在会议前24小时传达给申诉专员. No representation by an attorney is permitted.
    2. The Grievance Officer shall be entitled to have an “Advisor” participate and assist him or her with the hearing. 以这种身份, 顾问可以提出问题, review the evidence presented and make recommendations to the Grievance Officer regarding the appropriate resolution. The Advisor shall not have any prior knowledge of the facts surrounding and/or giving rise to the Grievance Officer. This participation may be limited to faculty, 工作人员, and student members of the university community. No representation by an attorney is permitted.
    3. Hearings conducted by the Grievance Officer will be informal, and both the Complainant and the Respondent will have the opportunity to present evidence they deem relevant to the Grievance. Both the Complainant and the Respondent may also present witnesses during the hearing that would support their position. All hearings at this level must be held within 10 calendar days of the Grievance Officer’s receipt of the Grievance Form, 没有情有可原的情节.
  5. After the Grievance Officer’s investigation is completed, 如果申诉专员认为申诉中涉及的行为不足以构成大学司法系统对投诉人或被投诉人(如果被投诉人是学生)采取正式纪律处分的理由。, 申诉专员将与投诉人和被投诉人会面,讨论调查结果和建议的解决办法. While the timing of this meeting depends largely on the scope of the investigation required, a meeting is generally held within 10 calendar days of the conclusion of the Grievance Officer’s investigation, 包括任何必要的听证会. 在这次会议上, the Grievance Officer may attempt to mediate an informal resolution with both parties where appropriate. In situations involving alleged sexual assault or sexual violence, 非正式的决议是不合适的. If an informal resolution is not possible or appropriate, 申诉专员将作出书面裁定,并在与双方会面后的5个日历天内,将裁决书送交投诉人和被投诉人. 书面裁定应 包括做出这个决定的原因 and 要采取的补救措施, 如果有任何, 并应明确告知投诉人和被投诉人有权按照下文第7段的规定,在3-5个工作日内要求司法委员会主席进行审查.
  6. 另外, after the Grievance Officer’s investigation is completed, LRU可以确定申诉中涉及的行为可能需要大学司法系统对投诉人或被投诉人(如果被投诉人是学生)采取纪律处分。. Under no circumstances will a Complainant be subject to disciplinary action solely on the basis of filing a Grievance; however, 取决于事实和情况, disciplinary action may be warranted where the Complainant has potentially eng年龄d in violations of LRU’s policies or procedures. 在这种情况下, LRU will present the Complainant and/或者是 Respondent with an Incident Report as outlined in Section 6: The University Judicial System, 司法系统程序, 诉讼的开始. The Grievance Officer will then determine the appropriate sanction(s), 这可能包括, 但不限于, 以下, 按严重程度:

    1. 口头或书面警告; 
    2. Restitution for loss, dam年龄s or service costs; 
    3. 服务/Education projects within the University setting or local community; 
    4. 留校察看; 
    5. Disciplinary probation with suspension of privileges; 
    6. 被逐出居住区域; 
    7.  纪律悬挂;  
    8. 纪律驱逐.
    If the individual presented with the Incident Report disagrees with the determination or sanction(s) assessed by the Grievance Officer, 他或她可以按照第6节:大学司法系统规定的方式,要求在学生行为委员会举行司法行为听证会, 5款.
    After the Student Conduct Council reaches a determination, 申诉专员应在5个日历日内向投诉人和被投诉人发出与学生行为委员会调查结果一致的书面裁决. 书面裁定应, where appropriate and in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 包括做出这个决定的原因, 要采取的补救措施, 如果有任何, 要采取的纪律处分, 如果有任何, 并应明确告知投诉人和被投诉人有权按照下文第7段的规定,在3-5个工作日内要求司法委员会主席进行审查.
  7. If either the Complainant 或者是 Respondent disagrees with the Grievance Officer’s written determination, 则不满意的一方可根据下列一项或多项因素向司法覆核委员会主席提出上诉:
    1. 证据不足以支持这一决定.
    2. 判罚不足以构成处罚的理由.
    3. 没有遵循适当的程序.
    4. There was prejudice on the part of the Grievance Officer.
  8. 所有向司法审查委员会主席提出的上诉必须采用书面形式,并在收到申诉专员发出的决定后3-5个工作日内提交给全球网赌十大网站办公室. Appeals 应该 clearly detail the ground(s) for appeal and the facts and circumstances supporting the basis for appeal. In order for an appeal to be considered by the Chair of 司法覆核委员会, 投诉人或被投诉人必须充分解释他/她的上诉理由如何有可能改变申诉专员和/或学生行为委员会的原始调查结果. 如果申诉专员和/或学生行为委员会建议对学生进行停学或开除的纪律处分, the full Judicial Review Board will automatically convene to review the appeal. 在所有其他情况下:


    1. 如果司法覆核委员会主席根据上述一项或多项因素认为上诉具有潜在的有效性, in light of all of the evidence provided by Complainant or Respondent in his or her appeal, 上诉应转交, 连同所有的证据材料, 司法覆核委员会全体成员.
    2. 另外, 如果司法审查委员会主席在审查投诉人或被投诉人提交的所有证据的基础上决定, the appeal does not have potential validity based on one of the four factors above, 司法委员会主席可以维持申诉专员和/或学生行为委员会作出的决定,而无需召集司法审查委员会的全体成员. 在这种情况下, the determination reached by the Chair of 司法覆核委员会 is final.

    The Chair of 司法覆核委员会 is not tasked with rehearing the proceedings below. Instead, the Chair of 司法覆核委员会 will use a “reasonable person” standard. 换句话说, 司法覆核委员会主席将决定所作出的最初决定及/或制裁,是否属一个理智的人可以作出的结论, applying appropriate diligence and community standards (i.e.(证据优势标准). 

    注意: The Accused may withdraw his or her appeal at any time prior to the beginning of a scheduled hearing.

  9. If the full Judicial Review Board is convened by the Chair of 司法覆核委员会, the Judicial Review Board shall review all evidentiary materials in connection with the Complainant or Respondent’s appeal. If necessary to resolve outstanding factual disputes, 司法覆核委员会, 自行决定, 可进行 新创 hearing between the Complainant and Respondent, 每一方都有机会提供他/她认为与申诉或申诉专员和/或学生行为委员会作出的决定有关的证据. Presentation of new evidence shall be strictly limited by 司法覆核委员会, 自行决定, to the additional evidence necessary to resolve the Grievance. The Judicial Review Board may take one of 以下 four courses of action:
    1. Reverse the decision of the Grievance Officer and/or Student Conduct Council;
    2. Uphold the decisions reached, but reduce the sanction(s) (如果有任何);
    3. Uphold the decisions reached, but make the sanction(s) (如果有任何) more severe; or
    4. 坚持决定和制裁.

          The Judicial Review Board may not remand the matter for re-consideration.

10. Once 司法覆核委员会 reaches a determination, 司法审查委员会主席应在四十八(48)小时内向上诉各方提供有关申诉决议的书面通知, 除非情有可原. 司法审查委员会应该, where appropriate and in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), include the outcome and rationale f或者是 decision. The decision of 司法覆核委员会 is final and there is no further right of appeal.

Regardless of the outcome of the grievance procedures, retaliation is strictly prohibited by either party. 

任何对提交申诉的个人进行报复的人都违反了这一政策,并将受到相应的司法制裁. 另外, 任何对LRU社区成员进行虚假或恶意指控的人都违反了这一政策,并将受到相应的司法制裁.