

Be at the forefront of a rapidly-growing 行业 and on the cutting-edge of technology.

根据 U.S. 全球赌博十大网站在美国,计算机科学的职业生涯在全国名列前茅.

Courses are a mix of small assignments and larger team projects that focus in areas of computational science, 操作系统, 编程语言, 计算机体系结构, 系统分析与设计, 网络安全, 数据分析, 机器学习和人工智能.

If you attended Catawba Valley Community College and obtained a degree in information technology, 你可能有资格直接转入这个项目.


朝着完成B的目标迈出下一步.S. 在勒努瓦-雷恩大学获得计算机科学学位.


朝着完成B的目标迈出下一步achelor of Science 在勒努瓦-雷恩大学获得计算机科学学位.



LR's computer science program strives for academic excellence by offering rigorous courses designed to challenge the qualified and motivated student and to liberate the mind through an emphasis on quantitative and abstract reasoning, 解决问题, 批判性思维和较强的沟通能力.

计算机科学专业为学生将来从事商业工作做准备, 行业, 计算机科学的教育和研究生课程, 信息系统和信息技术. The computer science major leads to a Bachelor of Science degree and includes courses that provide a balance between the development of science, 数学和商业相关的应用. Available courses provide the necessary theoretical fundamentals for the study of algorithms, programming the design of computer systems and the application of computing to business and management. The wide variety of electives allows the student to tailor the major to theoretical computer science or to information systems.


Computer science majors have numerous opportunities to gain firsthand experience outside the classroom. 学生 are encouraged to take advantage of internships and mentor opportunities, allowing them to work with and learn from experienced computer science professionals. 也有机会参加突出新事物的会议
developments and opportunities in the growing and exciting field of computer science.


学生 who complete degrees in computer science generally have bright professional futures in a fast-moving field. 随着计算技术的不断扩展和发展, professional opportunities will arise for individuals with expertise in developing and maintaining computers and computer systems. 机会存在于令人惊讶的各种职业中:

  • 软件工程、编程和开发
  • 系统和数据库的分析和管理
  • 计算机与网络工程
  • Web开发和应用程序设计
  • 质量保证,软件测试和网络安全

能将专业技能与沟通能力相结合的学生, 合作, think critically and assess analytically will possess a distinctive advantage. Lenoir-Rhyne's rich integration of professional preparation with a deep grounding in the liberal arts provides an excellent model for professional practice.


Before graduating computer science students have an opportunity to use their new skills in a one-year software development team capstone project.

作为一名学生, you will have the ability to explore the inner workings of constructing a software program that will be used in the real world. You will also learn teamwork skills and how to interact with other software developers. This one-year experience can boost your résumé and provide powerful talking points when interviewing for a job after graduation.

在秋季学期, 毕业前一年, a CSC-400 course covers methodologies that can be used when starting with an idea and then developing it into actual working software. 在头四个月, you will discover many intricate design and software engineering details involved in building programs.

在接下来的春季学期, the CSC 460 course gives you hands-on experience creating a complete set of working software. Your team meets with real-world clients and implements a software solution for their needs. Once you understand multifaceted requirements, the fun part of software development begins. This is a time when your team experiences the thrill and excitement of real project teamwork.

对很多学生来说, this is a lasting memory that stays with them for a lifetime and also provides an experience that helps them land that dream job.


计算机科学课程侧重于计算科学, 操作系统, 编程语言, 计算机体系结构, 系统分析与设计, 网络安全, 数据分析, 机器学习和人工智能.

而在这个专业,有很多选择来定制你的教育. 你可以选修你感兴趣的领域, as well as an optional one-year individual honors project on a topic of your choice. 还有一个选择是专注于分析和机器学习. 这包括数据可视化, 人工智能和高级分析,比如神经网络, 随机森林, 决策树, 集群和更多.

NOTE: For students wishing to double-major in Computer Science and Information Technology, 必须满足两个专业的必修课程, 第二专业至少要修满15个学分.


学生 majoring in Computer Science who are judged qualified by the faculty may, 应邀, 选择追求计算机科学的荣誉工作. To graduate "With 荣誉 in Computer Science" students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.专业平均绩点不低于3分.2. 除了, 他们必须完成12个学分的计算机科学荣誉课程, 包括一个可接受的高级项目, 完成一篇原始论文,提交给教师批准, 并对研究进行口头答辩.

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