
Computer Science with Cybersecurity Concentration, B.S.


作为一名计算机科学专业的学生,你有机会专注于网络安全. This is the study of computer security, 网络管理, 加密, 交通监控, intrusion detection and incident response management.

这种网络安全集中准备你在网络防御和网络安全分析师的各种职业生涯. 它也为你在其他大学继续深造硕士或博士课程做准备. 该项目与全球网赌十大网站地区的研究生院有着密切的联系,一些学生在完成本科学位后转入这些项目, while other start careers in cybersecurity after graduation.

这个节目遵循了美国.S. government’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (不错的)课程和美国.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

除了标准的计算机科学课程,重点是计算科学, 操作系统, 编程语言, 计算机体系结构, 系统分析与设计, 数据分析, machine learning and artificial intelligence, students in the cybersecurity concentration take six courses in cyber-crime, 治理, 网络取证, 网络安全, ethical hacking and computer security.


Take the next step toward completing your B.S. in Computer Science degree at Lenoir-Rhyne University.





Lenoir-Rhyne的计算机科学课程通过提供严格的课程来挑战合格和积极的学生,并通过强调定量和抽象推理来解放思想,力求学术卓越, 解决问题, critical thinking and strong communication skills.

A major in computer science prepares students for positions in business, 行业, education and graduate programs in computer science, information systems and information technology. 计算机科学专业可以获得理学学士学位,包括在科学发展之间提供平衡的课程, mathematics and business-related applications. 现有的课程为算法的研究提供必要的理论基础, 编程,计算机系统的设计, and the application of computing to business and management. 各种各样的选修课使学生能够根据理论计算机科学或信息系统来定制专业.

作为一名计算机科学专业的学生,你有机会专注于网络安全. This is the study of computer security, 网络管理, 加密, 交通监控, intrusion detection and incident response management. 这种集中扩展了你的计算机科学学士学位,专注于网络安全和网络安全.

这个节目遵循了美国.S. 政府的国家网络安全教育倡议(不错的)课程和美国的网络安全教育计划.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 

除了标准的计算机科学课程,重点是计算科学, 操作系统, 种编程, 计算机体系结构, 系统分析与设计, 数据分析, machine learning and artificial intelligence, students in the cyber security concentration take six courses in cyber-crime, 治理, 网络取证, 网络安全, ethical hacking and computer security.


计算机科学专业的学生有很多机会获得课堂外的第一手经验. 学生 are encouraged to take advantage of internships and mentor opportunities, allowing them to work with and learn from experienced computer science professionals. There are also opportunities to attend conferences that highlight new
developments and opportunities in the growing and exciting field of computer science.


完成计算机科学学位的学生通常在这个快速发展的领域拥有光明的职业前景. As computing technologies continue to expand and evolve, 在开发和维护计算机和计算机系统方面具有专业知识的个人将获得职业机会. Opportunities exist across a surprisingly diverse array of professions:

  • software engineering, 编程 and development
  • systems and database analysis and administration
  • computer and network engineering
  • web development and application design
  • quality assurance, software testing and cybersecurity

学生 who can combine 技术 skills with the ability to communicate, 合作, think critically and assess analytically will possess a distinctive advantage. 勒努瓦-莱恩将专业准备与深厚的文科基础相结合,为专业实践提供了良好的模式.


在毕业之前, 计算机科学专业的学生有机会在为期一年的软件开发团队顶点项目中使用他们的新技能.

作为一名学生, 您将有能力探索构建将在现实世界中使用的软件程序的内部工作原理. 您还将学习团队合作技能以及如何与其他软件开发人员互动. 这一年的经历可以提高你的薪资水平,并为毕业后的求职面试提供有力的话题.

在秋季学期, 毕业前一年, CSC-400课程涵盖了从一个想法开始,然后将其开发成实际工作软件时可以使用的方法. Throughout the first four months, 你会发现许多复杂的设计和软件工程细节涉及到构建程序.

在接下来的春季学期, CSC 460课程为您提供创建一整套工作软件的实践经验. 您的团队与现实世界的客户会面,并实现满足他们需求的软件解决方案. 一旦您理解了多方面的需求,软件开发的有趣部分就开始了. 这是您的团队体验真正项目团队合作的兴奋和兴奋的时刻.

对很多学生来说, 这是伴随他们一生的持久记忆,也提供了帮助他们找到理想工作的经验.


Computer science courses focus on computational science, 操作系统, 编程语言, 计算机体系结构, 系统分析与设计, 网络安全, 数据分析, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

While in this major, there are many options to tailor your education. You can take electives in the areas of your interest, as well as an optional one-year individual honors project on a topic of your choice. There is also an option to concentration on Analytics and Machine Learning. This includes data visualization, artificial intelligence and advanced analytics such as neural networks, 随机森林, 决策树, 集群和更多.

注:对于希望主修计算机科学与信息技术双学位的学生, required courses for both majors must be satisfied, and at least 15 unique credit hours must be earned in the second major.


学生 majoring in Computer Science who are judged qualified by the faculty may, 应邀, elect to pursue honors work in Computer Science. 要以“计算机科学荣誉”毕业,学生的累积GPA必须达到3分.专业平均绩点不低于3分.2. 除了, they must complete twelve credits of honors work in Computer Science, including an acceptable senior project, 完成一篇原创论文,提交给教师批准,并通过研究的口头答辩.

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梅勒妮莫拉 '25 has been planning to study abroad in South Korea for more than a year. 现在是美国.S. Department of State is supporting her studies through the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金.


塔比瑟·托尼,1999年,博士.D., will lead the program with an eye toward excellence and a heart for patient care.
