Engineering Physics, B.S.

With a degree in engineering physics from LR, 你可以在机械工程等领域找到一份令人满意的职业, electrical and optical engineering, applied science and technologies, physics and more.


该计划为您提供了通过严格的课堂工作和乐趣获得的知识的完美结合, 体验式学习的机会,让你在最前沿的职业生涯或准备你的研究生院在最好的大学在国内.

劳氏工程物理课程的学生已经进入研究生院并被博士录取.D. programs at UCLA, North Carolina State, Virginia Tech and Clemson, 而其他人则在美国国家航空航天局和航空航天公司实习,然后在劳斯莱斯公司和洛克希德马丁公司从事航空航天工作, arms and defense.

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Take the next step toward completing your B.S. in Engineering Physics degree at Lenoir-Rhyne University.

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Two Tracks

  • Traditional track: 36-38 course hours that include courses in analytical physics, classical and quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism and kinetic energy and thermodynamics.
  • Biophysics track: 69-71学时,包括物理、生物和化学课程

In addition to these two physics tracks, the program also offers courses in earth science and astronomy. Minors are available in astronomy, earth science and physics.

Qualified students may also participate in LR’s 3+2 Pre-Engineering program with our partner universities in North Carolina and South Carolina. 该项目已被工程转移小组委员会批准,允许衔接和转移到北卡罗来纳大学的工程项目&T State University, 北卡罗来纳州立大学和北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校.

此外,劳氏与克莱姆森大学保持着类似的合作关系. Upon completion of the 96 hours of pre-engineering” curriculum, 被合作院校录取的合格学生可以转学完成工程学士(或更高)学位的要求. 这些时间“清晰”地表达出来,并计入在LR完成学士学位. Learn more about our pre-professional opportunities.

Physics is also an essential component, as is major or appropriate coursework, in preparation for a number of graduate professional programs.

Demarius Hampton, Kyle Duggar and Dr. Doug Knight

劳氏教会了全球网赌十大网站如何明智地利用时间,并给了我“不断前进”的心态. And Dr. Knight has always helped show us what we could be.

Demarius Hampton '19, Engineering Physics

Learning Outside the Classroom

未来的雇主和研究生院会考察你在课堂内外的整个本科学习情况. 充分利用劳氏提供给你的所有机会, including research, study abroad, internships, student clubs and organizations.

  • Research

    Engineering physics students complete an independent research project 完成科学发现的各个方面,从数据收集、观察到实验和评估,并将你的发现作为学位要求的一部分向教师和同学展示. 这些独立研究的机会为毕业后的专业道路提供了特殊的准备.

  • Internships

    Students will also often have opportunities to participate in internships. Work study opportunities are also available on campus, 通过该课程,合格的学生可以获得在物理项目中担任实验室助理的宝贵经验.

  • Careers

    工程物理学位为毕业生提供了多样化的职业选择——既因为在学科内容方面的具体训练,也因为在物理学研究中鼓励的一般技能, e.g., problem-solving, analytical thinking, numeracy, data analysis.

    大多数物理和工程物理专业的学生继续在专业和/或学术环境中追求更高的学位. 工程物理专业为学生在技术和科学领域的职业生涯做准备, in both industry and academia.

    学生(有时接受过额外的教育)可以从许多工程领域中进行选择, climatology and meteorology, energy, aerospace, medicine and healthcare, construction and transportation, among many other areas.

    Learn about career development support services
  • Student Activities

    Rocket Club


    Lectures & Networking

    自然科学学院举办了斯蒂尔曼系列讲座,邀请著名的科学家和科学作家到校园和周围社区演讲. Career and graduates school nights are also held annually. 这些活动邀请以前的学生和该领域受人尊敬的专业人士与现在的学生交谈, offering information and guidance about various career options.


    物理专业的学生有机会通过the Catawba Valley Astronomy Club. 俱乐部成员在LR校园明格斯科学大楼顶部的天文台协助公众观星. We have a 12.位于明格斯科学大楼屋顶的5英寸卡塞格伦反射望远镜和天文台,可用于天文学课程和研究机会.

News & Events

LR football players working in the engineering lab

Kyle Dugger, Demarius Hampton和Saaehim Brooks编写并设计了一台激光计时40码短跑机,用于他们的物理研究课程项目.

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An LR student works on building a rocket

LR火箭团队被选为全球150支球队之一,参加2020年拉斯克鲁塞斯太空港美洲杯比赛, New Mexico against teams from Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Switzerland and more.

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