营养、米.S. & 饮食实习

请注意: 营养学实习/硕士.S. 2024年6月1日之后,营养学项目将不再接受新的申请.

在这个健康比以往任何时候都重要的时代, 这个世界需要像你这样的人来引导他人走向全面健康, 营养是健康的核心.

营养学实习项目,与 Solmaz研究所, offers you the opportunity to meet the post-baccalaureate requirements necessary to allow you to sit for the registered dietitian certification exam administered by the 营养注册委员会.


营养学实习项目提供两个项目选择, 一个为期9个月的证书课程和营养学硕士学位, 实习选择.

  • M.S. 营养学,饮食学实习选择

    视图 M.S. 营养学,饮食学实习选择 项目要求和课程.

    • 16个月, 35 credit hour program during which interns fulfill coursework for Master of Science in Nutrition and 1,在监督下进行000小时的练习 for the dietetic internship (920 hours at rotation sites and 80 hours supervised practice simulations).
    • Designed for interns who have completed an undergraduate degree and have earned a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Verification Statement. 
    • Cognate options allow the intern to select an area of study related to career interest for additional focus (public health, 可持续发展或运动营养).
    • 所有教学课程都是在线和异步的. 
    • 有监督的实习轮转是在实习生确定的轮转地点进行的.  Interns secure preceptors and supervised practice facilities in their own geographic locations with the guidance and support of program faculty. Support includes assisting the intern in identifying types of sites that would meet program criteria, providing contact information for any former program preceptors in the geographic area and communicating with potential preceptors as needed. 如果实习生无法找到合适的轮岗地点, faculty may be able to secure a site in another location if the intern is able to relocate temporarily (subject to availability).
    • Community, Foodservice Management and Outpatient Clinical rotations are part-time.
    • 在夏季,住院病人的临床轮转是全职的,为期八周.
  • 营养学实习证书课程选项

    视图 营养学实习证书课程选项 要求和课程.

    • 全日制课程,为期九个月,每年8月开课
    • Designed for applicants who have earned a graduate degree and a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Verification Statement
    • 实习生完成1,在监督下进行000小时的练习, including 960 hours at rotation sites and 40 hours of supervised practice simulations
    • 区域, 教师安排的轮换可用于阿什维尔/西部NC, 胡桃木/山麓, 夏洛特地区或南卡罗来纳选择 
    • A distance option is also available in which interns secure preceptors and supervised practice facilities in their own geographic location with the guidance and support of program faculty. Support includes assisting the intern in identifying types of sites that would meet program criteria, providing contact information for any former program preceptors in the geographic area and communicating with potential preceptors as needed. 如果实习生无法找到合适的轮岗地点, faculty may be able to secure a site in another location if the intern is able to relocate temporarily (subject to availability). 
    • 在线 orientation to learn about the program and prepare for supervised practice rotations in the following areas: Clinical (acute care facility/hospital), 社区(卫生局), food bank or other community nutrition-related organization) and Foodservice management (school/hospital foodservice operation)
    • 在线顶点活动

完成营养学实习项目后, 你就可以参加注册营养师考试了. 2019年至2021年, 92 percent of students in LR’s 饮食实习 program passed the CDR Credentialing Exam for Dietitian Nutritionists within one year of the first attempt. 完整的结果数据可应要求提供.


对于营养学实习证书选项, completion of a graduate degree and an earned Didactic Program in Dietetics Verification Statement is required.  营养学理学硕士学位, completion of a bachelor’s degree and an earned Didactic Program in Dietetics Verification Statement is required.  Those who have successfully completed the prerequisite coursework from an ACEND-accredited program will have a Didactic Program in Dietetics Verification Statement.

If you are interested in practicing in the field of nutrition and dietetics learn more about programs in your area that offer this coursework. 营养学实习是一个研究生项目, 而劳氏目前不提供所需的本科课程.


Successful completion of the 饮食实习 Certificate option requires submission of all required documents and satisfactory completion of coursework and supervised practice requirements (18 credit hours of coursework and 1,000小时的监督练习). 成功完成所有课程要求后 interns will receive a 饮食实习 Verification Statement.

成功完成营养学硕士学位, 实习选择 requires submission of all required documents and satisfactory completion of coursework and supervised practice requirements (35 credit hours of coursework with 1,000元的监督执业). 成功完成所有课程要求后, interns will receive a 饮食实习 Verification Statement and will be awarded a Master of Science in Nutrition degree.

Each program option prepares the dietetics internship student to sit for the registered dietitian credentialing examination. 学生 completing the 饮食实习 program will be prepared for entry-level positions in dietetics.


自2024年1月1日起 营养注册委员会 (CDR) will require a minimum of a master’s degree to be eligible to take the credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). In order to be approved for registration examination eligibility with a bachelor’s degree, an individual must meet all eligibility requirements and be submitted into CDR's Registration Eligibility Processing System (REPS) before midnight Central Time, 12月31日, 2023.

有关这一要求的更多信息,请访问CDR的网站. 除了, CDR requires that individuals complete coursework and supervised practice in program(s) accredited by the 认证 Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). 研究生s who successfully complete the ACEND-accredited dietetic internship program at Lenoir-Rhyne are eligible to apply to take the CDR credentialing exam to become an RDN.

In most states, graduates also must obtain licensure or certification to practice. 有关州许可证要求的更多信息,请访问 营养注册委员会.

有关成为RDN的教育途径的更多信息,请访问 营养与饮食学会.

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